Early morning sun reflects off buildings along a canal as nature paints the water with soothing pastels and I indulge in its artistry.
Apartments along the canal reflect brightly on the still water of a canal on New Years Day 2016. A colorful start to the New Year!
The strong architectural shapes of Amsterdam play whimsically along the water of the canals at Golden Hour when all the world is aglow.
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Melissa McClain
Melissa McClain Photographer Bio Fine art photographer and creativity coach, Melissa spent her corporate career in Crisis Management focusing on Survivor & Family Assistance. Self-care with her camera grew into a passion for color, texture and shapes discovered in some of the most unexpected places, like boat yards.
Her Water Colors Collection, abstract macro images created from the bottoms of boats, have been exhibited and highlighted in galleries around NYC. No matter where the camera takes her, images have a strong painterly feel and speak to people through intense color and artistry.
From creative doodling programs to photography, Melissa consistently encourages people to look at their art and their environment with creativity and passion and to find their unique story.
Blog / Website: melissaAnne COLORS
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