I was out in my tiny backyard about an hour ago, as the sun was setting, trying to figure out what species two of the trees are back there. Above me, a crow landed and cawed loudly for several minutes. Then to my left, a hummingbird excitedly prodded and drank from the flowers of my Mexican Bush Sage. I smiled at it all, and then felt a sadness grip my heart. The people who run our country don’t care about any of this. Somewhere along the way, perhaps not terribly long after birth for some of them, the beauty and sacredness of the earth was snuffed out in their hearts. I thought of Trump sitting right next to me, having absolutely no clue how extraordinary it was to witness a hummingbird diving into a flower like that. Or a crow; a common, everyday crow, just chattering away above you for ten, twenty minutes even, looking down and eyeing you as if you were part of the conservation too. Or seeing drops from the morning rain slowly drip from the edge of the leaves of what turns out to be a California Bay Laurel. I grieve. I grieve for the utterly damaged and demented hearts and minds that we call our ‘leaders’. If they only knew what the hummingbirds know, what the crows know, what the Bay Laurels know. If they could only see how the sun is setting on them. Getting closer and closer to gone on the story they have written. If only we didn’t have to suffer so much as they kick and scream and hate and steal to their graves.
Photo Credits
Photo by Nathan Thompson – all rights reserved
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