When you hear the word, what first comes into your minds eye? Try it now – say Paradise and close your eyes to see what your mind conjures up as Paradise. What is Paradise? Biblically, the Garden of Eden was Paradise , until after the Fall. “Heaven- region or state of supreme bliss” ( Oxford English Dictionary Pocket version), is now that Paradise mentioned in the prime dictionary definition.
So what did you envision in your minds eye? In an informal, not very scientific survey ( the sample size was only 10 people) I got the same response ( with some colourful variations) each time. Paradise was – a white sandy beach, a ocean side setting , tropical – with Palm Trees swaying and giving shade. The variations were amplification and added details of the setting given above. Did you , in your minds eye see the same thing. Hear the same thing? Smell the same thing?
Well, Banff National Park, in case you were unaware, has it’s own Paradise! A man by the name of Walter Wilcox , and his Mountaineering companions, were reputed to be the first European eyes to see the Valley in 1894 – that lies sandwiched between the valleys that hold Lake Louise and Moraine Lakes. As they came to the summit of a pass leading from the Lake Louise Valley into the next Valley over they saw – what Wilcox named at that time – Paradise Valley! Maybe he hadn’t been to the tropics in his travels! Maybe he had a mind set that found this Valley so enticing. Maybe, in the midst of Winter, his name for it might have been different? But he named it Paradise and the name still holds!
Paradise Valley lies between two of the Icons of the Canadian Rockies – Lake Louise and Moraine Lake. It doesn’t have a Lake with the signature turquoise colour of it’s neighbours. Yet, Landscape Photographers have delighted making images in this Valley. The famous Giant Steps, Sentinel Peak and the general Landscape of this portion of Banff National Park along with two neighbouring valleys have been subjects for many a photographers images.
When I hear Paradise – I think Banff National Park ( and yes the White Sandy beach in the tropics as well!) and having a Valley named Paradise doesn’t seem much of stretch to me. How about you?
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Ron Hallam
Ron Hallam Photographer Bio
I live in Banff,Alberta Canada – a National Park, World Heritage Site and fortunately my home! And what an opportunity this affords one. My creative outlet being Landscape Photography , makes Banff a veritable , never ending source of subject matter.Being in the midst of this place I get to go out and capture the incredible mixture of light and natural environment subject matter this place provides. I readily admit I am spoiled, with Banff National Park as my back yard, I just leave my house and walk, ski or ride into this wilderness in barely minutes! The wonders of this place, from a simple days walk to extended trips, provide a Landscape Photographer a never ending, always intriguing and deeply engaging array of subject matter, light , mood and moments to create , then express and hopefully engage the viewer with that moment captured “from an infinity of other possible sights”.( John Berger, Art Critic and Poet)
Dear to me and my work is a the special Gallery (found on my website) called the Cause Collection, is dedicated to working with Cause Canada an N.G.O. ( Non Goverment Organization) which does charity relief work in West Africa and Central America. Their offices are in Canmore, a town just outside the Park, and my aim in this Gallery of Images ( but also with ALL images in ALL Galleries) is to help provide funding for their programs which are not receiving the support once available. Featuring the Cause Gallery is a way of bringing attention to the need. I hope your “eye and emotions” will be caught and that you understand that your image purchase will help support and sustain the less fortunate.
Blog / Website: Gitaphotos.com
Follow Ron Hallam on: Facebook
Hello Ron, Beautiful photo’s!! You have captured our countries beauty just perfectly! I especially love the water fall. I have been to Banff myself many many years ago! All of those parks are just spectacular! You are lucky to have all of that subject matter to photograph! Thank you for sharing!