This was taken as I was rushing to my ride. I wasn’t sure what would turn out but I was really pleased with the outcome.
On a very cold and windy late afternoon out for a walk with a friend of mine up north I took this shot of the sun going down. The sky looked like it was on fire.
Christmas day with our grandson and I was just getting used to my new camera. The images of my grandson delight me. Captured forever on camera his ever wondrous eyes and his beautiful smile.
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Martha Farley
Martha Farley Photographer Bio
I am a Daycare Technician with the Lester B Pearson School board and I am also a freelance writer. Recently I have purchased a new camera and have been just having fun with photo’s. My intent was to photograph my grandson which I have but I have also really enjoyed being outdoors and using the camera to take pictures of everyday things like ice and snow and trees and beautiful blue skies!
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