The sun setting over the lake is always a welcome treat for those who look forward to nature’s wonderful expertise at painting a masterpiece in the sky!
The sky then goes from it’s placid pinks and blues to orange and yellow bursting over the horizon.
Finally the sun goes down and the sky once again calms down from it’s orange and yellows back to the calm, cool colours before it finally rests for the night.
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Martha Farley
Martha Farley Photographer Bio
I am a Daycare Technician with the Lester B Pearson School board and also a freelance writer. Recently I purchased a new camera and discovered a love and passion for photography. I also write articles and stories that are also posted on Life As A Human. My intent was to photograph my grandson – which I have – but I have also really enjoy being outdoors and utilizing the camera to take photos of everyday things like ice and snow, trees and beautiful blue skies. Creative outlets keep my soul alive!
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