Vellore City, in the South Indian State of Tamil Nadu, is home to VIT University and the renowned Christian Medical College and Hospital. It is also the home of Ramesh Radha – husband, father and humanitarian.
Despite the presence of a highly-regarded University and India’s top medical institute, many people in the city of Vellore still struggle on a daily basis. Ramesh and a group of equally-concerned individuals decided to do something about it. Enter Karunya Charitable Trust.
Karunya Charitable Trust was formed in 2011 with just one goal – to improve the lives of orphans, people with disabilities, seniors, and widows who lacked the skills to support themselves. The Trust was key, giving them the ability to reach a much wider audience than would have been possible on their own. People who wanted to help now had a place to go for information about the Trust and to find out what specific types of donations were needed.
We asked Ramesh if he felt that what he and the other members of the Trust have done so far has made a difference. “Yes, absolutely. Many people have been educated through our project. They’ve gotten jobs and have established wonderful lives for themselves.”
Although the Trust has helped many people since its formation, there is still a great need for donations, as their vision is very clear. “Our hope is to be able to build homes, schools, counselling centres etc. to reduce homelessness, provide education and re-education and to create an opportunity for people’s hopes and dreams to be shared – perhaps even realized.”
The work of the Karunya Charitable Trust is not without its challenges, but for the people involved, witnessing change and helping people lead better lives far outweighs the difficulty. Their passion is evident. “The people of Vellore City need our help. They have a desire to be respected members of society. Poverty needs to become a thing of the past so that people can enjoy a rich and rewarding life.”
The Life As A Human team would like to thank Ramesh and the other members of the Trust for the fantastic work they are doing in India. We are grateful to have been contacted by Ramesh and to have been made aware of the Karunya Charitable Trust so that we may share its vision with our readers.
For more information about Karunya Charitable Trust, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.
Photo Credits
Photos by Ramesh Rhada – all rights reserved
Photo of Vellore City – Wikimedia Commons
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