Given the state of our world as it relates to the economy, the climate, the environment, health, politics, war…
Are you optimistic or pessimistic about our future?
This poll is now finished. Here are the results.
Faye says
To be pessimistic means I am shutting down the good energy…in me and around me. Therefore if we were all optimistic we’d have a better world.
Lisa Lucke says
I want to feel more optimistic…if everyone would just wake up : )
Eric Anderson says
I think we will muddle through the next 100 years, and paper over problems, at great cost to many many people. But over the longer term, “muddling through” isn’t going to be good enough!
ian shipclark says
To quote (verbatim) one of my favorite Canadians, Bruce Cockburn, in a CBC interview where he was asked exactly the same question about his personal view of the future of planet earth and human existence on it, his reply was: “…I think we’re all fucked.” Being a student of geo-politics and global macro-economics (even leaving aside for the moment the whole ecology issue) I am still searching for a good enough reason to disagree with that statement.