Someone once said that the purpose of art was to uplift the souls of man. And if a work of art can cause you to pause even if only for a brief second, it has succeeded in removing you from your daily routine and carried you somewhere else.
As a photographer, I often find myself thinking about that mystery spice that flavors a good photograph. I admire all genres of photography, from wildlife, to portraiture, to black and white street work. It is a new way of seeing the world. And it has become a compelling force that drives me to get out of bed every day and resume the search for my next image.
Every gesture becomes a frame frozen in time. Every glance, every photon of light as it sculpts an object to tell a story, intrigues me. Can you photograph elegance? Can you photograph joy or disappointment? Can you photograph power or vulnerability? Can you capture majesty or mystery?
When a painter creates a work of art, they start out with a blank canvas and add layers of color to create their piece. But the photographer has a different task. He starts out with a world of chaos and must figure out how to remove things to capture the viewer’s attention. He must often simplify, isolate, and direct the eyes of the viewer to that specific nanosecond of majesty or mystery now frozen for all to see.
Photography is not about cameras or megapixels. It is more about being sensitive to the world and finding moments that were previously invisible to our rapid transit lifestyles.
Photo Credits
All Photographs Are © Doug Keech
Doug Keech Photographer Bio
Doug Keech is an acclaimed photographer and teacher who specializes in fine art landscape, nature, and wildlife photography. He produces photographs that often evoke a strong sense of wonder, captivating the viewer’s attention and delivering a magical presence. His images are part of many private collections all over the world.
Doug resides with his wife Paula in Kitimat, British Columbia.
Blog / Website: Doug Keech Fine Art Photography
Beth says
Awesome photography, so flattering to the article!
Don Franklin says
Nice article, and lovely work, Doug!!! now get back on facebook will ya???? lol
All the best to you and Paula!!