Halloween… the aftermath.
I decided to do it to our kids. The curiosity was killing me. I needed to see how they would react. They were sitting at the kitchen table when I told them. Corbin immediately crossed his arms over his chest, gave me the evil eye, got off his chair and said. “Come on Hamish, we’re leaving.” Hamish, of course, followed him down the hallway with his own arms crossed over his chest and eyebrows furrowed in a mock-cross expression. Then, he turned and cheerfully said, “good bye, Mama, good bye Dad.” And off they went. It was pretty funny. Then, I called them back, told them I was kidding and showed them the video. Corbin asked me to turn it off because crying irritates his sensitive ears. I don’t blame him. I was pretty horrified myself and seriously considered removing sugar from my kids’ diets permanently. The video is worth enduring for the last two kids, however.
Now, how can I earn the title “sneaky mom?”
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