A writer explores how words and the act of writing take readers on journeys.
The pen moves across the notepad, a line of print moves across the page of a book, a cursor moves across the screen. A writer has been here, and left lines. Traces, trailings.
And when writers have moved on, we can attempt to follow them, trace their journey. Writers think that they are writing about a journey, when they are writing the journey.
“I was there,” someone carves into a tree. So you were. But the writer is gone, the writer has slipped away like a Chevy pickup trailing gravel dust, slipped away like a thought.
Story, narrative, drama: the writing that moves. Like blood through the veins, writing; moving through us. Moving us.
The important thing is that it is moving, happening. Writing is a happening. there is value in the act, the carrying on with words. Writers carry on. The writer’s journey is more than a trip, more than mere travel, it is true discovery.
It is a grand journey, this writing. Words can do that. They can take you.
Photo Credit
“Endless Journey” h.koppdelaney @ Flickr.com. Creative Commons. Some Rights Reserved.
Victor Canada says
Nice post Lorne. My favorite line is, “Writing is a happening”. Writing is more than words on a page or screen. It is bigger than that and you’ve captured it’s essence.
Lorne Daniel says
Thanks Victor. I used to think that writers knew what they wanted to say and then just had to “form the thought into words” but experience has shown me that the writing, thinking and discovery are part of the same organic process. Thanks for stopping by to have a look…