For Earth Day I am offering this Wiccan based ceremony designed to bring each of us to a greater understanding of the interconnecting role we play in the conscious creation of the Earth as a community of love and healing.
You can print this out and take it somewhere special to perform or just read it and imagine yourself connecting to all the other people who are honoring the Earth today.
If a group of people are celebrating, each could read a part. It may help to orient yourself so you know where the directions are, whether or not you plan to do this outdoors.
We will begin by uniting in the co-creation of a reality that supports and fosters spiritual healing. Then we will acknowledge our sacred path through the declaration of the specific way in which we are called to be of service in Healing the Heart of the Earth.
Feel yourself connecting to the Earth through the soles of your feet and imagine tap roots that extend from your feet into the earth below. See these roots intertwining with the roots of all the other people who may be reading this ceremony.
Say the following out loud or to yourself, paying attention to the flow of energy rising from your feet through your body.
We stand upon the Earth;
Feel its bones under your feet.
And prepare the ground for healing
As we walk this path of magic.
We birth our world from our choices;
Feel the future gestating in your belly.
And reach deep into the waters of the womb of life.
We burn hot with the fires of combustion;
Feel your energy feed the flames of the past
And light the fuse of transformation with your powerful will.
We love and long, and grieve, in our hearts;
Keep the beloved safe and free in eternity.
And share the gifts that compassion brings.
We speak of healing the bones of the Earth;
May our voices be clear and strong.
And harmonize with the cycles of nature.
We see the dying Earth reborn at this time of year;
And recognize the cycles of death and rebirth.
Show each of us our path of release,
and guide us on our creative journey.
We revel in the divinity of All That Is.
And dance in the patterns of infinite possibility
We come full circle and are firmly rooted in being;
And dig deeply into the soft Earth,
Preparing to celebrate her mysteries.
Turn to face the East,or imagine yourself doing so, and read the following:
Guardians of the East; Feathered Blade of Air,
I call upon you.
Breath and voice of Dawn, Green shoots of Spring
Bless this gathering of kindred with laughter and light
Bring soft words of love and cries of joy and delight
Unite all celebrants mind to mind, and heart to heart,
May our spirits soar as we become one in our circle of creation.
May we rise and dance forever in joy and harmony
While all the Spirits of the Air rejoice in our gathering.
Turn to face the South in your minds eye or in actuality and read:
Guardians of the South; Wand of fiery will,
I call upon you.
Transform this day with the fragrant heat of summer,
Kiss each passionate soul with the warmth of the sun’s rays
Bring abundance and increase; make every spirit strong
And bind all our sacred partnerships in love and commitment.
Bring us your heat at this time of transformation
To consume the past in the flames of the present.
May our hearth fires be ever glowing with the promise of love
And may the Spirits of fire dance in great joyfulness.
Turn to face the West and say:
Guardians of the West; sweet chalice of water,
I call upon you.
Ocean of boundless life, ebb and flow.
Gentle caress of autumn.
Bless this celebration with deep understanding
And compassion. From spring to stream, river to sea,
Under the watch of the moon;
May the nurturing fluids of life
Cleanse and nurture all new life
Love flowing over us, through us, around us all.
And may the Spirits of water rise up
In celebration of life’s embracing.
Turn to face the North, and say:
Guardians of the North; Pentagram of Earth,
I call upon you.
Creator of life’s abundance, Silent winter Mountain.
Stag of the forest grove; crystal cave of sanctuary,
Bless this Earthly gathering with wealth and richness of life,
May our homes be filled with the bounty of nature.
Keep us strong and healthy, rooted in being,
As we dance softly on the earth,
May the creative force sustain and support our works
and may the Spirits all flora and fauna
revel in our happiness.
Turn to the center which is within you, and all around you, and say:
Guardians of the Center;
Ethereal spirit of life within and without,
Above and below
I call upon you.
Man and woman, goddess and god.
Guides and teachers.
Turning wheel of time,
Intertwining, dancing spiral of growth,
Labyrinth of life and love, that leads us to our core.
We call upon all that is, to bless this Earth
With strength of unity, harmony of spirit,
And everlasting joy.
May we dance the dance of love,
And become the dance of love.
And may the gift of our love be shared
with all who celebrate today.
Breathe into your heart, and connect with the love and compassion for the Earth that resides within you. Imagine your heart connecting with the heart of the Earth, and as it does the love you feel begins expanding through your breathing and through the beating of your heart until it fills the room, and beyond.
As the energy expands and increases, it touches and heals the hearts of all it meets, thus including all souls and the pulse of the planet in the creation of a beautiful heart garden as it eventually spreads to cover the planet. Meditate on this for a moment and visualize it as clearly as possible as you breathe in and out.
See the Earth filled with this healing energy floating like a green ball before you, filled with the universal spirit of love. Connect with the love and compassion within yourself and within this heart-filled planet, as your healing intention is sent to the Earth and to all hearts within it’s sphere.
Call the planet to you, reach towards it, calling its heart to yours, and take it into your hands, holding it sacred and beloved and recognizing in it the heart that you have created there. Place the beloved planet Earth in your heart. Feel the sacred connection, and accept responsibility for healing the heart of the Earth.
Now take a moment or two to journey within, carrying the “heart of the Earth” within you, however you imagine this to be. Imagine you can travel to the heart of the Earth, and ask to see what your specific and unique gift is, that which is your creative contribution to the healing of the planet’s heart. Take a few moments to do this.
Allow yourself some time to reflect on your heart connection and allow that which was revealed to become distilled into a statement that describes the healing gift that you are giving to the Earth. This word or phrase will become a touchstone that can be used to call you into alignment with your heart’s purpose whenever you are needing a reminder.
The phrase should be formed as follows:
I heal the heart of the Earth with ____________. (Examples: I heal the heart of the Earth with being supportive of others, I heal the heart of the Earth with organic gardening, or I heal the heart of the Earth with loving myself.
Everything counts and no contribution is insignificant to the Spirits of the Earth.
Each of you has received or identified a gift that comes from deep within. It will support us all in the conscious creation of the world we live in. It has the power and strength to heal the heart of the Planet. It embodies the power of the divine truth that is present within us. To truly own this gift, it must be offered as a blessing to all, so we now take this gift into the world. We may begin by sharing with those close to us, and to those in our community, as we connect heart to heart and recognize the gifts in one another. We may then face outwardly into the world and declare the gift that resides within us for of the healing of heart of the Earth.
Finally, read this aloud or to yourself:
Through the power of air
We conceive our future
By the power of fire
We ignite our acts of love and magic
Through the power of water
We nurture and gestate our creations
Through the power of Earth
We bring fruition to our union
And by the power of divine spirit
We celebrate this circle of love and trust
And honor one another as we grow together,
Firmly planted and rooted in our love.
We honor the great mother Earth and her
Welcoming Spirit and together we create
The healing of the heart of the planet Earth.
Photo Credit
“Smoke in the trees HDR” jer @ Creative Commons. Some Rights Reserved.
Beautiful, deep, profound, and sacred healing ritual! Many thanks to Alison and Life as a Human for this magnificent, fierce and gentle work of art.
I personally revere the Earth as well, but believe it was created and not evolved. I am one of those people who believe God created the earth. I do believe we as humans, should be responsible for taking care of it. I know we are not doing a very good job of it. I will not do the Wikkan ceremony, but I do my best to keep my end of the bargain about keeping it green. I will celebrate earth day in a different way than some, but believe that we all have the same end in mind. May we all be united in spirit, and protect our Earth. Have a good Earth Day.