Thank you for your interest in submitting your photography to Life As A Human. We’d love to have your work grace our pages and support you at the same time. Please read over the following guidelines and click here to submit your questions and/or feedback:
Our Terms and Conditions – Please Read Carefully
- You must supply a written component describing the art you are submitting.
- You can submit up to 3 images. Single image submissions are encouraged unless it is a series that requires multiple images in the post. Keep in mind that you are free to make multiple submissions
- Images can be up to 1500KB (1.5MB). If they are larger the system won’t take them.
- Please be sure to enter a title in the Title Field under each image you submit. This is what the search engines will index and what the hover text will read.
- Better yet, rename the images before uploading. For example: If the image is DSCG1234.JPG, rename it to “The Mist.jpg” – or – “The Mist By Jane Smith.jpg”
- By accepting the terms and conditions, you confirm you are the author and copyright holder of the submitted images and verbiage and you have the right to distribute them for publication. Once submitted, will have the right to publish your submission in perpetuity in any form we choose on any of our web properties. For example, we may wish to use your work to illustrate a article. In each and every case, we will ensure proper attribution of your work and a link to your website or blog. We will NOT print your work or use it in any other way.
- You retain copyright to both the images and the written component and can reproduce the image anywhere at any time, but the written component is provided to on a 30-day exclusive.
- Please also read our General Terms And Conditions.
We retain the right to accept or reject submissions and reject all images of a pornographic and/or illegal nature and articles or images that do not fit Life As A Human’s theme.
If accepted, we will categorize your post under Photography and perhaps one or two other categories. The editor may also chose to include it in our Photography Portfolio.
To submit your work, please use the Guest Photographer Submission Form.
Thanks and cheers,
Your Life As A Human Team