In the final part of his five part series Guest Author Kyle Albert explores the not too distant possibility of mental telepathy as a viable method of communication.
Artificial mental telepathy
Imagine sending an email, text or voice mail messages without typing or speaking. It does sound futuristic. However, inventors are looking into this new form of communication technology with increasing enthusiasm. A report on NBC reported that the U.S. army was looking into the possibility of tapping the use of EEG as a potential way of communicating. Researchers said that the innovation will benefit patients suffering from Lou Gehrig’s disease or ALS wherein the afflicted loses control over muscles making it difficult for them to communicate.
These advancements are promising a significant change in the lives of many, especially those who have certain physical limitations.
Be sure to check out part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 in this series. What do you think of these futuristic gadgets?
Photo credit:
EEG recording via Wikimedia Commons
Guest Author Bio
Kyle Albert
Kyle Albert is always interested in tablets, the latest trends, start-up businesses, fashion and design. He is also a keen social media user. He loves to share and write about technology, how it can help people in their daily lives, aid in personal development and make things easier for kids, adults and people in every walk of life. Kyle recently joined Techie Doodlers (an up-and-coming tech blog) as a regular contributor as well. Be sure you check out his writing there as well.
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