Why is nudity such a touchy subject?
Rosie answers the question “Why Naked?” and chats from her bathtub about why she feels that having strip tease and nudity in her art is important.
Here are a couple of Rosie’s favourite naked links:
Naked Girls Reading: www.nakedgirlsreading.com
Babes Go Bare for Cancer: www.babesgobareforcancer.ca
I like your argument here about people in general failing to see a variety of bodies as beautiful and I have also frequently wondered why nudity is such a big deal. Being from Vancouver we have the Wreck Beach phenomenon–it’s the only nude beach around and it’s a very interesting place.What I find particularly odd is that many adults try to protect their children from nudity when it’s really the adults that are disturbed. Children don’t care at all if they see people naked. They think it’s normal. They’re non judgmental and will take nudity in stride. Somehow as we grow older we decide that nudity is inappropriate and begin to teach our children that nudity is bad as well. We also learn over time that only particular types of nude bodies are beautiful (these are generally young, thin, unblemished bodies). I suspect that people would be much more comfortable with their bodies if they took regular trips to places like Wreck Beach where it’s easy to see that bodies come in a huge variety of shapes and sizes and no one has to be ashamed of how they look.